Young Explorers


Young Explorers

Learning is a Treasure…Discover Our Outdoor Learning Center

Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves is a great family activity, providing a fun, hands on learning experience in on of the most magnificent outdoor classrooms in New Hampshire! Posted signs provide fun facts about Lost River’s geological history, from its formation to the present day, plus much more.


Have you got what it takes to be a Junior Gorge Guide?
Pick up a Junior Gorge Scavenger Hunt card when you get your ticket.  As you tour the Gorge, look for Spunky’s picture on the signs and test your knowledge.  Turn in your completed scavenger hunt card to receive an official Junior Gorge Guide sticker.

Not all riches are silver and gold!
Purchase your mining bag and start panning for assorted gemstones, rubies, and crystal points, in our sluice.  A few of the treasures you are likely to find include shark’s teeth, quartz, amethyst, calcites, and pyrite.  Each rock has a different history and unique story to tell.

Hang out with Live Animals!
We’re partnered with Squam Lakes Natural Science Center to offer live animal presentations with a naturalist.  This naturalist presentation is included with your admission.  Click on our calendar for event dates.
*This program will return for the 2022 season